Friday, September 24, 2010


One would think that doing a simple ship combat would be easy in a pug right?
When raiding with a guild, we steamrolled through gunship, no problems ever.

"OH HAI GUISE CAN WE DO HEROIC?!"  (even though we don't truly know the fight)

New to pugging at the time, I said omg YES! It's SO easy... I was pretty confident in my ability to do the fight and with the 30% buff... come on, free purples.

People stood in the bombs... ok... can heal through it. People randomly jumping off the side... ok... they fixed it lawls so they don't fall to their deaths...

Another thing, most everyone stared at the loot box as if they were trying to will the purples to appear. I did try this for some time and nothing happened.
I concluded people hang out in two places, 1.) at the loot box and 2.) off the ship falling, conveniently being teleported back to the ship, just to fall again.

Now I realize, most pugs can't dodge the explosions on heroic mode. This is probably why most of the raid spent their time off the boat. =/

Everyone wants to jump over to the Horde boat... but no one wants to actually kill the mage. I see a single rogue on the Horde boat trying their hardest to kill the mage. I feel so sorry that I actually offer to jump over as a healer to nuke the mage.

Often although, you have healers who want to really use their jet-packs.... myself being one of those healers.
You also have healers who constantly need to ask if they NEED to jump. Those healers asking, don't realize that you can heal from the Alliance boat. Could also be that they want to use the jet-packs like me, although I doubt that.


They ask if it's possible to kill the mage orgy even when they fail to kill the mage who is currently freezing the Alliance cannons.

That poor rogue.

Well on average, after a boring 11-14 minute fight. I loose my purples to one of those guys who didn't know how to use the cannons, jump, kill the mage, use their packs, or tank the spawning adds.


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