Friday, October 1, 2010


This is a quick post about myself. As you all probably already know... at least I hope you do by now, I play World of Warcraft. I used to play an obsessive amount, but I backed down to see sunlight again and experience this thing called real life. I am an art education major with interests in illustration and comics. I am also engaged to a lovely man-thing I met in World of Warcraft with two kittens who love eating my computer cords. -.-

Older Screenshot of my druid, but I thought it was pretty.

I first started playing on a rp (role playing) realm. It's pretty much exactly like you have it pictured in your mind currently. People would seriously stop in the middle of heroics enjoying snacks next to the fire. Not only did they stop and eat their snacks, they would speak about the instance, in character... oO I didn't mind the role playing atmosphere, but I would rather not spend 30 minutes enjoying an imaginary snack in a video game... I want to kill shit and get purples.

In my quest to raid, I had the opportunity to leave and explore other realms. I joined a guild name Exalted, became pro and later raided in top 100 US guilds. Crazy eh? I had a good deal of fun times with friends, dead dragons and purples.

I DOOOO miss raiding with established raiding guilds, but guilds want a crazy amount of dedicated hours that I just cannot devote to right now. Real life > WoW.

My druid has seem some fun times, but I have moved on to heal on a priest and a shaman. Also picked up a dps toon to shoot things. Also slowly leveling a pally, to heal on eventually.
My Druid again in Burning Crusade.


Unknown said...

I'm one of the amazing peoples you met in Exalted!

Bethany said...

<3 Vat!

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